Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Podee BPA Free Baby Bottle


Botol susu Podee ini satu-satunya yang bisa menyusui bayi dalam posisi duduk. Enak banget deh pakenya. Babynya juga pasti suka.

The brilliant Podee feeding system is designed to alleviate reflux, colic and ear infections by promoting upright feeding and removing air from the feeding system. In addition it has a very clever Hand's Free feature, mothers hold their baby rather than the bottle thus enhancing bonding. Available in the USA for over 20 years, more and more parents are using Podee. Midwives and health visitors are recommending Podee. Podee is great for single babies but invaluable for multiples as all the babies can be fed at the same time. Whether in the car or in the pram the Podee bottle is a clever innovative product to have while bringing up your baby.

The Podee Baby Bottle allows babies to feed in an upright position as recommended by paediatricians. Feeding in an up right position instead of a horizontal position helps reduce colic, gas build-up, ear infection, and reflux.

Another reason why Podee Bottles help to reduce colic, reflux and ear infections is they minimize air from entering the feeding system. As your baby sucks the Podee bottle, liquid is drawn from the bottom of the bottle through the tubes. When you have the combination of a continuous stream of milk into the teat and the tube submerged in the milk, less air enters the feeding system, which prevents colic and reflux. Babies take in only the right amount of liquid and eat at their own pace. It is very simple and clever.

Podee is the best solution for mums who cannot or do not wish to breast-feed. Dads, Grandparents and siblings love holding the baby and not the bottle.

Podee can be used with expressed breast milk, formula or any other type of liquid.

The Podee baby bottles are made from BPA-Free material. What this means is there is no lead used in the manufacturing process. This is now an important factor in choosing a feeding bottle for your baby.

In a nutshell

In this modern busy world, life is hectic and many parents want to lead an outdoor life with their new babies. Podee makes this easy as they can feed their babies wherever they are and whatever the circumstances. In the car, or while in the pram you will never be caught out with a hungry baby.

The Podee Bottle is a simple clever product that all parents should have in times of life's little emergencies.

Video Link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bwFZpE01_M&feature=player_embedded
The product of USA

Price : Rp. 175.000

Further info & Contact:

SMS : 021-94756798

Email: mailto:babynmom@ymail.com

YM ID: babynmom

Care Instruction (Important) Dari prewash sm stripping.

May 11, '09 1:02 AM

for everyone

Before Use

Wash nappies in hot/warm water with washing powder once before use.

Hemp will require at least 3 hot washes before use, and will continue to increase in absorbency for the first 10 washes. Bamboo and microfibre will only need one wash before use. The absorbent Inserts may seem a little big at first, but after these initial 3 washes, they will shrink to fit the nappies perfectly.


After use:

Empty soiling into toilet (older babies).

Store used nappies in a dry bucket until wash day. We recommend washing nappies at least every second day.

Before washing:

Remove absorbent insert.

Fold back laundry tabs.

Rinse soiled nappies in the trough, or with a little squirt (optional).


Give the nappies an initial cold rinse only cycle with no washing powder/liquid.

Follow this with a full wash using 1/4 to 1/2 the recommended amount of washing powder/liquid. Do not use soap based powders such as Lux Flakes.

Line dry or warm tumble dry.



PLEASE DO NOT USE BARRIER CREAMS WITH THE NAPPIES as these may cause a water resistant build up on the nappies which may prevent them from working correctly. Barrier creams are those which are oil based, such as paw paw cream, or zinc and castor oil based creams etc.

PLEASE DO NOT USE Whiteners, washing powder with enzymes, vinegar or laundry additives when washing the nappies.

Dry pailing (the method outlined above) is a method of caring for nappies that does not involve any harsh bleaches or soaking, and is therefore gentle on both your baby and the environment.

The washing powder combined with hanging on the line or tumble drying will sanitise your nappies to ensure all traces of urine and soiling have been removed. Therefore, no bleaching or soaking of the nappy is required. Make sure they are rinsed well and no detergent residue remains.

As the materials resist staining, you will find that on the majority of occasions the nappies will be completely stain-free after the hot wash. If on the odd occasion, some slight staining is evident, simply hang the nappy on the line outside and let the sun do its work. We have not had a nappy yet, where small marks have not been removed after a couple of hours in the sun!

We recommend washing nappies at least every 2 days, to ensure good hygeine in the laundry.


Leaks: When used correctly, All nappies should not leak. If you are experiencing leaking issues, please read the troubleshooting tips below to eliminate the following causes:

1. Do not use barrier creams with nappies. Some barrier creams will cause a water repallant layer on the surface of the nappy, preventing it from working correctly.

2. Do not use fabric softeners when washing the nappies, as these may also prevent them from working correctly.

3. Ensure that you only use 1/3 to 1/2 of the recommended amount of washing powder/liquid. Using more than this can also cause a water repellant build up on the nappies.

4. Ensure that the nappy is done up snugly around your baby's legs, so there is no gaping. To do this, stretch the Aplix tabs out firmly when fastening, stretching the back elastic to ensure a snug fit.

5. Make sure the absorbent insert is lying flat inside the nappy. It shouldn't matter if the insert is close to the pocket opening of the nappy, as long as it is not hanging out of the opening at all.

If you think that the nappies may be repelling liquid due to troubleshooting tip 1, 2 or 3, you may need to give your nappies a 'strip wash'. Please see below for instructions on how to do this.

Smells: The most important thing to remember to keep the nappies smelling lovely and fresh is to always give them an initial cold pre-rinse before washing. This helps to remove most of the smells before the full wash. Hanging the nappies on the line in full sun is another great way to keep them fresh.

If you find that the nappies do start to smell, it may be due to a build up of washing powder which can lead toretention of smells. In order to fix this, simply give the nappies a 'strip wash' as outlined below.

Some babies do go through stages where their wee will have a stronger smell than usual, and if this occurs, you may need to occasionally add a little antibacterial rinse to the final rinse of the wash, such as Cannesten or Dettol rinse. These are avaliable from the laundry isle of most supermarkets and will help to ensure that the nappies remain lovely and fresh.

'Strip' Washing

If you have used barrier creams on the nappies, or have a build up of washing powder/liquid which is causing the nappies to repel liquid, you may need to give the nappies a 'strip' wash. This involves washing the nappies in hot water with some regular dish washing liquid, followed by several rinses until the water runs clear with no more bubbles.

Atau DETAILS about Stripping

Stripping Cloth Diapers - Strip Cloth Diapers

Over time you may notice that your cloth diapers no longer smell April fresh, even right after laundering. This usually means that they have build-up and need a good stripping. Build-up occurs when residue left by detergents, oils or other substances remain in the fibers. Diapers with either super-absorbant hemp or man-made materials like microfleece tend to gather stink more easily than diapers with all-natural fibers like cotton or bamboo. If the funky smell wasn't bad enough, build up can also decrease the absorbency of your diapers and cause leaking. But don't worry, removing build-up by stripping your cloth diapers is really easy - we'll show you how!

Stripping Cloth Diapers - Hot Water

If your diapers are dirty as well as stinky you should wash them before stripping, otherwise stains may be set in. Freshly washed diapers don't need to be dried before stripping, you can strip right after washing. Before stripping be sure to check the washing instructions for your diapers so you don't accidentally damage them.

Place your stinky diapers in the washing machine and run them through a hot wash with NO detergent. Top loading machines are slightly easier to use when stripping because you can lift the lid to check for bubbles. They may also be more effecient at stripping due to the large amount of water they use. However, front loading washers can also be used successfully, it may take more cycles plus a bit of creativity and a flashlight to see bubbles.
The water should be as hot as possible so you may want to turn your water heater up beforehand, or boil water on the stove to add to the washer. If you change your water heater temperature be sure to turn it back down afterwards!

Rinse, rinse, rinse your cloth diapers in the hottest water your machine will allow. Peek into the washer during the rinse to see if there are soap bubbles on top of the water. Continue running rinse cycles until there are no more soap bubbles. It could take four or more rinses to get rid of all the bubbles. Don't confuse soap bubbles with agitation bubbles - agitation bubbles will disappate quickly if you stop the washer while soap bubbles will hang around a bit.

If your machine allows for hot washes with hot or warm rinses you could substitute hot/hot or hot/warm wash cycles for the numerous rinse cycles. My machine only has hot/cold, warm/warm, warm/cold and cold/cold choices so I generally run a hot/cold cycle then a warm/warm cycle in place of two separate rinse cycles.

Stripping Cloth Diapers - Alternative Methods

Although stripping cloth diapers is generally done at home in the washing machine, there are other ways to strip.

Dishwasher Stripping

Some cloth diapering mamas have had success using the dishwasher to strip their cloth diapers. They claim that the dishwasher provides hotter wather than a washing machine. Due to the potential fire hazard we do NOT recommend this method of stripping. If you are worried that your water isn't hot enough, turn your water heater up or add some boiling water to the washer. Don't put snapping cloth diapers into the pot though, because the snaps may melt.

Laundromat Stripping

If you don't think you can get hot enough water at home, try stripping at a local laundromat. Most laundromats have hotter water and larger machines with greater water capacity than home washers. You may want to run an empty hot cycle before stripping in case there's detergent build-up inside the machine.

Stripping by Hand

You may want to try stripping by hand if you only have a few stinky diapers, but we don't recommend this method for a lot of diapers. Use the hottest water you can stand, and wear rubber gloves to insulate your hands and keep them from becoming sandpaper rough.

If Stripping Doesn't Work

If you've tried everything above and your diapers still scare the skunks away, maybe build-up isn't the problem. Consider these reasons:

Not Enough Detergent

So you've cut down on the amount of detergent you're using, you've stripped and stripped, but your diapers still stink? It could be that you're not using enough detergent. Try running a hot wash with a full cup of detergent then rinse, rinse, rinse.

Second option for stripping method:

1. Step 1

Fill your washer with WARM water! Even if you're only stripping a few diapers, I usually use a large load setting for the water!

2. Step 2

Put your diapers in the washer and let the cycle start moving for a minute.

3. Step 3

Add a small amount of liquid dawn (dishwashing soap) to your wash. Make sure it is just plain dawn, no bleach or softening agents added.

4. Step 4

Let the wash go for two minutes.

5. Step 5

Add another small amount of dawn to the wash.

6. Step 6

Keep adding soap little by little until you feel there is enough soap to wash the amount of diapers you are washing. You do not want to add too much soap at one time because it will make too many bubbles and this soap is not made for use in a washer, so you don't want overflowing bubbles in your house!

7. Step 7

Once the first wash is finished, keep running the wash over and over again ntil you see no soap bubbles in the wash!

8. Step 8

Once all the bubbles are gone, the stripping is done


Cloth Diaper atau disebut popok kain adalah popok yg bisa dicuci ulang. Cloth diaper sendiri ada berbagai macam dari AIO (all in one), One Size, Pocket Diaper, Fitted Diaper, Prefold Diaper, Diaper Cover. Saya cuma ngebahas yg saya pernah pake dan saya tau aja yah, he he biar ga salah...Yuk maree..

Pocket Diaper, terdiri dari 3 lapisan (Waterproof outer, Inner Layer dan Insert)
Lapisan pertama disebut waterproof outer (yang fungsinya membantu menahan pipis yg telah diserap insert agar tidak bocor) yang dijahit dengan lapisan ke dua yaitu inner layer microfleece (yang fungsinya agar kulit baby terutama di bagian bokong tetap kering dan tidak mengalami ruam popok / diaper rash), bagian ke 3 adalah insert / pad (terbuat dari 3 / 4 layer micro terry atau microfibre, hemp, bamboo.

Mengapa disebut pocket diaper? karena di bagian belakang diaper ada lubang yg fungsinya utk memasukan atau mengeluarkan insert.

Pocket diaper system ada yang memakai velcro (perekat) atau snap (kancing2), ada yg yang one size dan multi sized.

Merek2 spt Bumgenius, Happy Heiny, Blueberry, Mommy Touch, Haute, Thirsties, Wahmies adalah contoh2 pcoket diaper dengan velcro dan one size.

Fuzzy Buzz, knickernappies, Blueberry, Mommy Touch, adalah contoh2 pocket diaper dgn snap dan multi sized.

Selain merk2 diatas masih byk merek2 cloth diaper di market.

All in One (AIO)
Terdiri dari ke 3 lapisan yg sama spt pocket diaper (waterproof outer, inner layer dan insert) yang dijahit menjadi satu. Sama persis spt disposable diaper ada di market (goon, mamy poko, pamper, etc). Paling mudah dan cepat dipake cm agak lama kering nya, karena lbh tebal.

Merek2 yg termasuk AIO one size adalah Bumgenius organic.
Merek2 AIO yg multisized adalah Thirsties, Imse Vimse.

One size Diaper
Ini cloth diaper yng paling popular di kalangan ibu2. Mengapa begitu popular karena:
1. Bisa dipake dari newborn (3.5kg) - Potty training (15,5kg). Irit dan very economic.
2. Bisa diturunkan dari kakak ke adik atau mgkn ke cucu, he he...dengan catat di cuci dan dipakai dengan cara yang benar.
3. Mengurangi uang belanja mingguan atau bulanan untuk diaper. Jadi mommies bisa belanja yang laen.
4. Membantu mengurangi sampah. Dan Go Green.

One size diaper ada yg menggunakan system pocket seperti bumgenius, happy heiny, blueberry, haute dengan velcro atau perekat di bagian perut. Ada juga system pocket yang menggunakan snap seperti fuzzi bunz, knicker nappies dan mommy touch.

Selain itu ada juga one size all in one diaper spt bumgenius organic.

Diaper Cover
Diaper cover yg pernah saya liat sampe skrg adalah smart nappy dari mothecare. Cocok utk newborn smp 3 bln. Karena tidak ada inner layer spt merek2 yang diatas dan insert lgs menyentuh kulit si baby, jadi otomatis insert harus diganti setipa 2-3 jam utk mengurangi ruam popok pada anak.

Tetapi diaper cover ini terliat paling ramping di antara cloth diaper yg laen jika memakai 1 insert. Selaen merek mother care, merek bummis dan thirsties dicategorikan sebagai the best diaper cover di market. Sayang nya sy belum sempat meliat secara lgs si bummis atau si thirsties.

Pocket diaper one size bumgenius pake velcro

Ini bumgenius stlh dibuka. Kantong diblkg yg fungsinya buat masukin insert, pake velcro.

Pocket Diaper one size happy heiny with velcro

HH setelah dibuka, sama spt BG, hanya di bag belakang (kantong)

Pocket Diaper Multisized Fuzzi bunz. Sama spt HH stlh dibuka


Pocket Diaper Multi sized Knickernappies. Sama seperti HH stlh dibuka


Kiri (Fuzzi bunz pocket diaper multi sized dgn snap), Kanan (Knickernappies pocket diaper multi sized dgn snap)

Diaper cover by mothercare dengan velcro.

Insert (prefold) setelah dimasukan ke dalam diaper cover.

Cara nyuci cloth diaper dan perawatannya...(biar awet),
for everyone

Berhubungan byk bgt yg nanya gimana cara cuci cloth diaper yg benar dan cara supaya bau pesing ilang. Nah tadi malam aku sempat fotoin step by step cara nyuci cloth diaper. Kalau ada yg comment or share, silahkan moms, aku malah senang. Secara niy otak udah rada error, hehe..Niy step2 utk mencuci pake tangan.

1. Pertama pisahin insert dari dalam pocket diaper (Sy pake fuzzi bunz dan GAD insert). Cuci Insert dan pocket diaper secara terpisah. Kalau moms ga ada waktu utk mencuci tiap hari, aku saranin JANGAN DI RENDAM. Pengalaman aku kalau di rendam akan tambah parah BAU nya. Lebih baik dipisahkan saja antara dan ditaruh di ember tertutup (diaper pail)

2. Pertama cuci insert dng air yg mengalir TANPA detergent, paling tidak 3 kali atau sampai bau pesing menghilang. Didalam insert ini air pipis (urine) si baby/anak akan ditampung. Jadi usahain utk cuci berulang dng air berulang kali utk menghindar bau pesing atau diaper rash karena mencuci krg bersih.

3. Cuci bagian dalam pcoket diaper. Karena bagian dlm nya sudah pasti bau pesing walaupun tdk sebau insertnya,hehe... DAN tempat berkumpul kuman. Jadi usahain cuci dng air mengalir. Cuci peras cuci peras cuci peras. (jgn diperas keras2 moms,hehe..pake perasaan yah).


4. Simpanin air di ember dgn detergent secukupnya. Karena dua bersih baru dua2 nya (baik insert dan pocket diaper blh dijadiin satu, hehe)

5.Dikucek2 deh si insert sm si pocket diaper. Smp hari ini aku ga pernah siy sikat baik cloth diaper or insert-nya. Slth bersih dibilas deh pake air bersih dan dijemur moms. Gampang kan.




3. HINDARIN PEMAKAIAN DIAPER CREAM. Kalau emang perlu bgt, silahkan dipake siang hari, dan di bilas kulit si baby sblm pake cloth diaper lagi di malam hari.

Kenapa ketiga nya ga blh dipake, karena, baik itu softner, pemutih dan diaper cream sifatnya sangat nempel dan susah utk hilang. Biasanya, ini bisa membuat DAYA SERAP INSERT/PAD jadi berkurang dan kurang optimal. Malah sometimes itu bisa bikin leaking moms.

Bagaimana kalau kena Poo:

1. Utk anak dibawah 1 taon sy sarankan pake nappy liner (apalagi anak asi, kalau poo bisa 5-6kali dlm 1 hari). Jadi daripada kotor lbh baik pake nappy liner deh.
2. Kalau smp kena poo. Saran sy cepat dicuci dng air keran atau shower. Di luar negri khususnya di armik siy, mereka pake mini shower (nah si mini shower ini krg lbh mirip buat shower yg ada di closet moms). Karena pengalaman sy kalau terlalu lama dibiarkan, bagian depan dari diaper yg terbuat dari microfleece yg berwarna putih akan susah utk dibersihkan.

Perlu disterikan ga yah baik itu insert atau diaper nya?
Kalau aku pribadi ga pernah setrika baik itu insert atau diaper nya. Bsk pagi aku cobain deh gimana kalau keduanya disetrika, hehe..

Utk yg mencuci pake mesin cuci
Basic nya hampir sama moms,klu bisa insert dan pocket nya di cuci dl spt diatas biar again BAU PESING nya ilang. Setelah itu baru dimasukin mesin cuci deh. 

Bagusan mana antara mesin cuci dan hand wash?
Terus terang kalau saya pribadi lbh demen hand wash. Karena:
1. Cloth diaper mgkn lbh tahan lama dan awet ( atau mesin cuci kau jelek kali yah,hehe).
2. Lbh irit listrick (karena klu kita cuci sedikit sayang yah moms, jadi harus tunggu banyak dl, hehe). kalau newborn dan asi pulak mana bisa tgg. Kecuali moms punya min 12diaper.

Saya pake mesin cuci kalau lebaran sm musim ujan aja, hehe...abis malas mom ribet, maklum wong ndeso dan type yg rada konservative, hehe..
Jadi aku pikir seh semua balik ke moms. Kalau diluar negri mereka semua pake mesin cuci , karena ga ada yg bantu cuci-in, malah 3 hari sekali baru nyuci. Adik gw malah 1 mgg sekali baru nyuci, hehe..

SO, baik itu mesin cuci or hand wash sama2 ok kok moms, seenak dan senyamannya moms aja.

Hm...apa lagi yah, kalau ada yg krg mohon dimaapken, hehe..Ada yg mau share go ahead moms. Moga2 berguna dan feel free to contact me yah, hope its help.

Happy cloth diapering moms...

Import vs Local cloth diaper
for everyone

Sebenarnya dah lama nulis niy blog, tapi blm sempat di save dan publis, hehe. 1 bln yg lalu, ada beberapa orang yg nanya sm saya pake sms, apa bedanya import dan local cloth diaper. Saya jawab, karena sy blm pernah pake yg local jadi sy bilang ga tau (karena saya tau semua cloth diaper is GREAT at least for our babies skins dan our environment). Dan 3 mgg yg lalu saya sempat di ksh tau sm salah satu customer saya yg pernah pake local cloth diaper. Menrt dia bagian bawah dari local cloth diaper ternyata dari bahan plastik (pls ciimw) sedangkan bagian bawah import cloth diaper itu dari PUL yg breathable. Bikin anak dia tambah parah ruam popok nya karena ga breathable (mgkn kulit anaknya sensi) Saya sempat ditawarin utk jual niy cloth diaper, cm sy blm tertarik, karena yah itu saya blh pernah pake. Gimana saya mau jual ke orang dan menjelaskan, kalau sy blm pernah pake, hehe...

Kenapa import cloth diaper sangat mahal? Karena yg pertama, still made in usa (mommies tau deh kualitas nya, tanpa mengurangi hormat sedikitpun ttg kualitas dalam negri). kedua, dikerjakan lgs oleh mommies dari rmh smbl ngurus anak mereka (yg ini bikin saya salut, klu sy pasti 1 diaper bisa 1 bln, hehe) . ketiga, import cloth diaper itu digaransi 1 taon. Dalam arti kata kita akan coba membantu ketika barang itu rusak. Kita akan liat dr cara mommies mencuci smp cara maintain cloth diaper tersebut. Dengan catatan, cloth diaper tsb benar2 rusak karena kualitas yg krg baik bkn dari kesalahan mencuci etc...Teman saya pake cloth diaper dari anak yg 1 smp anak ke 3. Dan msh dalam kondisi baik, karna emang orangnya care bgt, heheh.. Beberapa customers blg, harga ga boong yah rin. Yup, emang ada harga ada barang. Spt pepatah blg mom, You buy peanut, you get peanut he he...(ini istilah boss aku di ktr)...Emang ga semua barang mahal bagus, tapi at least ada nilai tambah.

Apakah import cloth diaper bisa bikin ruam popok? Jawabannya Bisa. Build up detergent menjadi salah satu kenapa cloth diaper import bisa menyebabkan ruam popok. Stripping adlh salah satu cara utk menghilangkan build up detergent dan bau tak sedap pada cloth diaper.

Yg perlu diingat, setiap anak tidak sama. Ada anak yg cocok dengan BG, tp ada jg anak yg cocok deng HH or merek laennya. Jadi semua keputusan di tgn mommies. Mau beli import or local cloth diaper . Mau beli import, i will happy for that, tapi kalau mau beli local pun aku tetap happy, he he..

Ini cm sharing dari sy, tanpa bermaksud mengurangi sedikit kualitas barang2 dari dalam negeri. Again yg terpenting buat saya, mengurangi limbah disposable diaper utk masa depan anak2 kita (he he, jadi malu). Karena kita para mommies memegang peranan sangat penting. Let's do something to save our planet.

Have a nice day moms and GBU.

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010


Mimijumi baby feeding bottle


Hai Mommies to be & Mommies......

Mau sharing nih... Berawal dari baca2x di internet tentang bayi dan perlengkapannya disela2x Keenan bobo, seneng banget ketemu sama barang lucu2x di internet.
Awalnya aku sudah sering liat review tentang Cloth Diaper, tapi gak terlalu tertarik membaca ulasannya. Sampai suatu saat, setelah 2 bulan lamanya sering banget dipipisin Keenan dlm sehari, akhirnya terpikir, ada gak yah popok or celana yang bisa gak tembus utk beberapa jam aja supaya gak dipipisin anak berkali2x dlm sehari.

Lalu browsing2x di internet celana anti bocor dan ketemulah Cloth Diaper. Hm... sering liat pas lg browsing tapi gak pernah mau baca detailnya, akhirnya penasaran sama apa sih itu Cloth Diaper n buat apa fungsinya, aku cari2x info lagi tentang model, merk, kelebihan dan kekurangan, harga, dll. Dan malah tambah bingung awalnya karena dari harga bervariasi sekalai mulai dari yg 30ribuan sampe 300ribuan dan gak tau sistem dan bahannya sama sekali.

Mulai ketemu lah enphilia yg harganya 30 ribuan, coolababy 100r ribuan, lalu bluberry minky, bumgenius, grobaby dll yg harganya diatas 200 ribuan. Memang pada umumnya ada harga ada barang. Dan aku coba in beli dariyg murah sampe yang mahal.

Alhasil aku beli satu2x buat cobain sendiri ke Keenan waktu Keenan masuk usia 3 bulan. masing2x punya keunggulan dan kekurangannya masing2x. Tanpa sadar ternyata, pengeluaran diaper Keenan per bulan jauh berkurang. Apalagi waktu aku pake yg Coolababy, sweetpea, grobaby buat malam. Cost diaper Keenan jauh berkurang. Jadi makin seneng pake CD sejak waktu itu sampai sekarang. Jadi gak cuma kita jadi go green karena mengurangi sampah kertas, tapi juga bisa mengirit pengeluaran pospak.

Akhirnya beli lagi CD nya supaya bisa ada gantinya n stock terutama waktu musim hujan, krn lebih lama keringnya kalau dijemur. Dan senengnya lagi CD nya nanti bisa diwariskan ke adiknya Keenan atau saudara.

Singkat cerita, setiap pagi jemur Keenan, tetangga di perumahanku yg kebetulan banyak sekali bayi2x baru lahir seumuran Keenan pada ngumpul buat dijemur. Udah kayak parade / kontes bayi.Rame deh.

Nah..........lagi tengah menjemur bayi sambilngobrol, tetangga pada nanyain, Keenan pake apaan tuh. Yah ku ceritakanlah detail pengalaman ku dan info dari internet yg aku baca.

Eh tetangga yang pada tanyain, mau nyoba n titip beli sama aku dan lama kelamaan banyak yang minat & suka. Rata2x dari 3 jenis yg aku pake ,kebanyakan sih mau nyoba yg coolababy krn harganya tengah2x, kualitas tahan semalaman dgn 2 insert krn kebanyakan mau beli untuk gantiin disposable diaper, selain itu juga krn Coolababy harganya menengah, kualitas atas. Nah untuk pemula memang aku baca di internet, memang Coolababy recomended, baru setelah itu kalau mau beli yg harganya diatas 200rb an, lebih ok. Supaya gak teralalu berasa lah keluarin uangnya. Dan menurut pengalamanku juga sama.

Karena pada banyak yg titip beli ke aku, sekalian deh aku jualin. Nah kalau temen2x mau coba, bisa order ke aku yah. Mau tanya2x dulu juga boleh. Kalau beli banyak dikasih special price . Dijamin gak nyesel deh. Hemat berat. N Mendukung Go Green. =)

Mau tau lebih banyak tentang Cocolababy? Nah ini dia ulasannya.

Bagaimana Coolababy Mampu Menghemat Pengeluaran Anda

Apakah pengeluaran bulanan anda untuk belanja diapers si kecil seperti gambar tabel simulasi?
Jika iya, hm.... ternyata tidak sedikit kita membelanjakan tiap bulan untuk keperluan diapers si baby, apalagi dalam waktu bersamaan, kita sebagai ibu rumah tangga dituntut untuk berperan melakukan berbagai penghematan kebutuhan rumah tangga.

Pengematan itu perlu, tetapi jangan berhemat untuk hal-hal kritis dan keamanan, apalagi keamanan si kecil.

Dengan munculnya Coolababy diapers telah memberikan angin segar kepada para Moms menjawab tantangan di atas, dan menjadi sebuah pilihan smart untuk penghematan kebutuhan perawatan bayi dan anak. Coolababy diapers yang di klaim bisa digunakan berkali-kali karena bahannya yang terbuat dari kain sehingga bisa di cuci dipakai di cuci dipakai, oleh beberapa kalangan dianggap bisa memberikan inputan positif.

Sekarang mari kita ulas bagaimana Coolababy bisa menjawab tantangan tersebut.

Beberapa analisa dan studi kami lakukan untuk mencoba memberikan gambaran posisi reusable diapers brand Coolababy VS disposal diapers.
Asumsi :
* Dengan kita mengasumsikan bahwa kebutuhan sehari bay rata-rata 3-5 diapers per hari untuk umur 0-1 tahun dan 3 diapers untuk umur 1-2 tahun.

* Dibutuhkan 12 pcs Coolababy untuk pemakaian 3 hari (siklus pemakaian dan cadangan)

* Kenapa Coolababy? Coolababy yang terbuat dari 100% Polyester dan Insert yang terbuat dari bahan Katun dan micro fiber dengan daya serap tinggi, terbukti aman, nyaman buat bayi (Detail ada pada deskripsi produk)

Hasil Analisa dan Simulasi akan diperoleh Gambaran biaya (Lihat gambar saving cost)

Comparison Cost CoolababyPada Grafik perbandiangan di samping, Garis biaya warna Hijau adalah Grafik Cost Investasi Coolababy Diapers kita akan mendapatkan biaya flat selama 2 tahun karena dengan sekali kita melakukan investasi kita sudah tidak memerlukan belanja disposal diaper bulanan. Grafik Merah menunjukkan Range Grafik biaya pembelanjaan disposal diaper.

Dengan membandingkan kedua grafik biaya tersebut, ternyata Investasi belanja Coolababy diapers ternyata bisa memulai menghemat pengeluaran anda di antara bulan ke 3 - 5 dan seterusnya. Luar biasa...

Saving cost bisa mencapai Rp 3,456,000 - 7,200,000 (penggunaan disposal diapers dalam 2 tahun) - Rp 1,070,000 (investasi Coolababy) = Rp 2,386,000 - 6,130,000 (Saving cost).

Cara smart dalam berhemat bukan? Jadi hasil berhemat ini bisa digunakan buat keperluan yang lain.

Detail perhitungan simulasi bisa kita cermati pada table dibawah ini:

Tabel Simulasi

Mengapa Coolababy?

Seperti yang kita bahas pada pembukaan di atas, jangan sesekali kita berhemat untuk keamanan si bayi. Anda tidak mau hasil hemat anda membuat bayi anda menderita bukan?

Coolababy terbuat dari bahan polyster yang lembut dan serat microfiber yang juga sangat lembut dan berdaya serap tinggi mampu bekerja sama bersentuhan dengan kulit bayi anda tanpa meninggalkan ruam dan panas. Disamping harga yang cukup ekonomis bila kita melihat dari segi keunggulannya. So, sudahkah anda mengganti popok bayi anda dengan Coolababy?
Coolababy sama fungsinya dengan pampers TAPI keunggulanny...a COOLABABY celana sistem cuci ulang, dan lebih hemat dibanding harus beli beli pampers terus2an lho.. [washable & reusable diapers]
- Coolababy Cloth Diaper Murah meriah dibanding harus beli pampers lho.. jadi dapat memangkas pengeluaran bulanan buat disposal diapers
- Coolababy produk cina, tapi sudah masuk pasaran dunia

- Coolababy tidak akan tembus bila pemakaiannya BENAR ya

- Coolababy Diapers berbahan kualitas tinggi yang lembut 100% Polyester sehingga aman dan nyaman buat bayi dan balita

- Coolababy adalah CLOTH DIAPER 1 UKURAN [One size adjustable S,M,L] jadi bisa digunakan dari NB 3kg-13kg (Umur 2 tahun).

- Coolababy tahan untuk berkali kali kali pipis... kisaran 3-4 jam

1 insert bisa tahan sampai 3-4 jam lhoo..

kalau 2 insert berarti tahan 2x lipatnya :) Jadi satu celana 2 insert yaa..

- Cara perawatannya MUDAH lhooo..

Awal pemakaian WAJIB dicuci dulu ya MINIMAL 2 x PENCUCIAN!!! baru bisa dipakai. Dicucinya biasa saja, pakai rinso dikucek kucek kucek, diperas (jangan kekencengan), jemur.. kering JANGAN DISETRIKA

Petunjuk perawatan:





Price Coolababy Plain - Snap:

1 COOLABABY 2 insert : 110.000

2 COOLABABY (each 2 insert) : @105.000

3 COOLABABY (each 2 insert) : @100.000

utk Bamboo harganya beda 10.000
Ukuran Coolababy
Cara mengecilkan ukuran Diaper
Cara mengecilkan ukuran Diaper
Koleksi Warna Coolababy  Snap

Pilihan warna Coolababy Bamboo

Further info & Contact:
SMS : 021-94756798
Email: babynmom@ymail.com, babynmom09@gmail.com
YM ID: babynmom